, corr_metric='per marker mean > 0.025', mask_below_max=False, set_ids=None, rename_set_ids={}, size_factor=1.0, save=None)

Plot maximal correlations with marker genes

  • marker_corr (Dict[str, DataFrame]) – For each set id a Dataframe containing maximal correlations for each marker gene. The index contains the marker genes symbols and the Dataframe needs to have one column named corr_metric with float values.

  • corr_metric (str) – Column in dataframes of marker_corr that contains the correlation values.

  • mask_below_max (bool) – Whether to mask values that are lower than the maximum correlation with a marker gene for each cell type. The masking applies per set id.

  • set_ids (Optional[List[str]]) – Plot subset of set ids (must occur as keys in marker_corr).

  • rename_set_ids (Dict[str, str]) – Mapping to rename set_ids for tick labels.

  • size_factor (float) – Scale figure size.

  • save (Optional[str]) – Optionally save figure to path.

Return type:
